FreeCodeCamp is not the best you could get for free

I have already written about FreeCodeCamp. Now some time passed and I am on my way to earn their first certificate. And I have seen things which I have to tell you because the site is not as good as it could be. Let me explain why.

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Is CodeSchool worth the money?

In this article I will take a look at CodeSchool: how they teach, what you can learn and is it a good investment for you to sign up for CodeSchool? I have no relation with the developers and the instructors at CodeSchool so this article contains only my opinion and my experience. I have a paid membership.
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An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python at

I started this course in April (and I did not write barely any articles since) and now it’s at the end. So I thought I could write a review about the course — to help people interested in the topic if this course is for them or not.

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