100 days of code in 2017

I have encountered this article. It is about 100 consecutive days of coding in 2017. Now here my thoughts about it.

It is nice to have some new year resolutions improving coding. However as a full-time coder I see it a bit differently and won’t join the movement as it is, I will slightly modify the rules for myself to fit.

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Is CodeSchool worth the money?

In this article I will take a look at CodeSchool: how they teach, what you can learn and is it a good investment for you to sign up for CodeSchool? I have no relation with the developers and the instructors at CodeSchool so this article contains only my opinion and my experience. I have a paid membership.
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When I start learning a new programming language

One does not simply start to learn a programming language.

And this is the same for me. When I start learning a new programming language I read a brief tutorial about the language (or not, depends on my mood) and then I make some sample projects with that language.

This article is about which pet-applications are ideal learning a new programming language.

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